Monday, April 30, 2012

The Six Kingdoms

To classify all living things,everything is put into categories called kingdoms. There are six kingdoms: Eubacteria, Archabacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.
Eubacteria is a Prokaryote which has a cell wall and is unicellular. Prokaryote's don't have a nucleus. Its Autotroph.  It's an Autotroph because the obtain energy through photosynthesis and doesn't have a nervous system. Eubacteria reproduces asexual. It moves with Flagellum which means that is has little tails that help it move. An example of Eubacteria is e-coli. 

Archaebacteria is Prokaryote and just like Eubacteria, which has a cell wall and is unicellular.  Its Autotroph and a Heterotroph, but it doesn't have a nervous system. Archaebacteria is found in inhabitable areas like volcanoes, sewage treatment.
Protista is both unicellular and multicellular. Unlike the Eubacteria and Archaebacteria, Protista is Euakryote, which means that it has a nucleus. It's both Autotroph and Hetertroph. Protista is both asexual and sexual. Like Archaebacteria, it moves with tiny tails called Flagellum. Examples of Protista are kelp, algae, and protozoa.
Fungi is Eukaryote, has a cell wall composed of Chitin. Most Fungi are multicellular, some unicellular. Fungi is obviously heterotroph because it absorbs its food. Fungi don't have a nervous system because most fungi are dead. Fungi reproduce asexual. Examples of Fungi are mushrooms and yeast.  

  Plantae are multicellular and have cell walls made up of cellulose. Plantae reproduce sexual and asexual. It produces energy by photosynthesis which means that it's autotroph. Plantae has chloroplasts,which is located in the leaves,  to help the process. Examples of  Plantae are flowers, trees, moss, and ferns.

Animalia is multicellular without any cell walls and is Eukaryote. Animalia is sexual and all Animalia moves and all have a nervous system. They are all heterotroph. Examples are mammals, amphibians, sponges, and worms.  Now remember, the six kingdoms are Eubacteria, Archabacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Something always fits into one of those categories.  Remeber:  Every Allen Protests For Pretty Animals.